After you file for bankruptcy, one of the most important things you can do for yourself is to start working on better spending habits. After all, if you file for bankruptcy and do not address any of the underlying issues that caused it, you may fall back into debt.
In particular, it is important to monitor, understand and fix your credit card spending habits. This can help you avoid credit card debt moving forward.
View your credit card differently
The Balance examines ways you can avoid falling back into credit card debt. First, always stick to what you can afford. Experts suggest mentally treating your credit card as if it were a debit card. Pretend you have a limited amount of funds on it, rather than your maximum spending amount. You may even want to limit your spending to the amount of cash you have on your person.
Handle your bills with care
Next, always pay your bills on time. Pay the full balance, too. Missing a payment is a surefire way to start stacking up interest fees and other penalties. Meanwhile, if you do not pay the full balance, it is easy to start stacking up more and more leftover dues that you must pay. Before you know it, you may have amassed more than you can pay off.
Limit your number of cards and understand the terms on each one. This keeps you from getting hit by sneaky charges for things you may not know would get you penalized. It also keeps you from falling into the trap of spending more than you have, since multiple cards help you get around the spending limit.
Implementing these changes in your life can help you maintain good spending habits and behaviors. This in turn may keep you from falling into debt again.