Although you have been doing everything within your power to pay off your debts, you still cannot catch up. You are selling items, working overtime and draining your savings, but you feel even worse off than when you started. Bankruptcy may have a negative reputation,...
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Personal Bankruptcy
What does your credit utilization ratio mean?
You may have noticed the cost of everyday items has increased significantly in the past few months. Alarmingly, according to reporting from CNBC, nearly half of Americans believe the cost of living increase is likely to threaten their financial security. Because many...
Do you know your debt-to-income ratio?
Many families across the U.S. have struggled financially in recent years. In fact, fewer than 40% of Americans have the reserves to pay for an unexpected $1,000 car repair, medical treatment or another emergency. Consequently, many individuals have little choice but...
How does bankruptcy stop creditor calls?
Calls, emails and letters from creditors create anxiety when you face debt you cannot repay. When you file for bankruptcy, you receive relief from creditor attempts to collect on past-due bills. Review the terms of the automatic stay in Texas bankruptcy and learn how...
Should I reaffirm my car loan?
When you file for bankruptcy, you should list every debt you have. The court cannot discharge debts that you do not include in your paperwork. There may be situations where you do not wish to discharge a debt, such as your car loan. If you wish to keep your vehicle...
What types of property are exempt during bankruptcy?
If you are like many Americans, even considering bankruptcy may feel like admitting failure. Worse, you may worry that filing for bankruptcy will mean losing valuable personal property, retirement savings or even your home. However, in Texas, you may be able to keep...
Some differences between a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Texas residents may file for personal bankruptcy as either a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 11 petition. When considering a bankruptcy filing, it may help to understand some of the differences between the two petitions. Individuals experiencing a sudden job loss or a...
What is the automatic stay in bankruptcy?
When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court issues an order called an automatic stay. This order, according to Findlaw, stops all collection actions against you, including lawsuits. The automatic stay is one of the first benefits you receive from filing your...